New PCOM-C700 Type 7 COM Express® Evaluation Carrier Board Speeds Up Time-to-Market for OEMs and ODMs
Twelve extremely flexible Industrial Monitors - the launch of the MD series
The SGET-defined software interface serves as a universal docking point for cloud services to embedded hardware. Portwell is one of the initiators of…
WUX-3350 is an Embedded System Board with Powerful Parallel Computing providing Visual Communications and Real-Time Computing Solutions in Digital…
WEBS-7000 Is Compact, Fan-less and Ideal for Kiosk, Digital Signage, Factory Automation and IoT Applications
The New PICO-6260 Offers Low Power and Fan-less Design for
Automatic Control, Kiosks and Digital Signage Systems
MEDS-BS200 Is an Embedded Fanless System with Powerful Parallel Computing for Visual and Computing Solutions in Medical, Digital Signage, Automation…
WEBS-13D1 Is Rugged, Compact, Fan-less and Ideal for Kiosk, Image Processing, Digital Signage, Harsh Environments of Factory Automation, Medical and…
WEBS-21D0 Is Rugged, Compact, Fan-less and Ideal for Kiosk, Digital Signage, IVI, Factory Automation and IoT Applications