Интернет Вещей (IoT)

Большинство экспертов в отрасли полагали, что к 2020 году будет подключено более 200 миллиардов устройств, подключенных к Интернету, или некоторые называбют «облако». Это описывается как эпоха Интернета вещей (IoT). IoT - это массивная кооперация интеллектуальных датчиков, сетей, серверов и сервисов, которые взаимодействуют между ними. Эта тенденция применима ко всем секторам или сегментам, это способ автоматизации, управления и управления заводами, домами, транспортом, энергетикой, медициной / медицинскими учреждением и т.д. Все уровни сетей включая приложения, промежуточное программное обеспечение, виртуализацию, и устройства, будут способствовать реализации полной мощности IoT.



При подключении, интеллектуальные шлюзы играют важную роль между устройствами и облаком в построении пути для сбора данных с устройств для анализа и переадресации инструкций с серверов вверх для активации устройств. Для концепции приложения шлюза IoT она может применяться во многих аспектах, например:

Smart Farming

The IoT is to provide growers with the ability to precisely monitor and control applications of water and nutrients to plants in these production settings, based upon daily plant requirements, which can reduce the volume and cost of inputs, increase profitability, reduce the environmental impacts of nursery and greenhouse production.

Smart Home

The IoT is incorporated to connect various smart home appliances, and an IoT connection management platform is required to enable various applications. These applicable solutions include: home health, entertainment, security, and home automation, which idyllically promotes a safer, happier, and more comfortable and convenient lifestyle.

Smart Factory

The IoT can connect factory equipment, linking a wide number of systems for monitoring and control by human operators at control centers or via the cloud, delivering greater efficiency and competitiveness.

To leverage the current internet infrastructure, an intelligent IoT gateway is developed for the purpose of connecting legacy and new equipment, from garage door opener, vending machine, cooling or heating devices to industrial robot and wind turbine, to get the data from them, and in return to control them intelligently based on the instructions or analytical results from the connected servers.

IoT Gateway Solutions

Portwell provides a series of the off-the-shelf Intelligent IoT Gateway solutions. Furthermore, to address customers' needs in supporting various protocols to different sensors, actuators, and devices, Portwell offers design service, including but not limited to, adding I/Os for more connectivity, customizing the chassis, fine-tuning the power source.

IoT Software/Application Solutions

Based on yearly experiences working on software development, Portwell is capable of developing any software running on embedded systems or in any operating system. And can assist to build cloud services or develop APP for any IoT application. Even like the latest biometric technology, we also are capable of designing related solutions

At Portwell, we unite all of our resources to provide appropriate total solutions. Under these products and services, we can assist to fulfill any IoT demand and design the most appropriate products and services in the fastest and most creative way.